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Although well-known Ipamorelin is generally categorized mainly as an anti-aging peptide, its effects on the body go definitely even further.
We could also characterize it as a peptide that burns fat, affects bone regeneration, body and muscle building, sleep or even memory. However, in the world of research of anti-aging effects, Ipamorelin is still among the most important peptides. It consists of only five amino acids and is a growth hormone (GH) secretagogue from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It releases GH with each dose, and only selectively, it does not affect other pituitary hormones (e.g. cortisol). This differs from other peptides such as Sermorelin or GHRP-6. Because it affects only GH secretion in isolation and has virtually no side effects on the body, it is often considered a "gentle" peptide and allows the isolated effects of selective action on GH stimulation to be investigated.
Research and animal studies have shown that Ipamorelin has anti-aging effects and effectively helps eliminate the effects of aging. They also proved that it can support processes of weight loss, building muscle mass, without side effects [1].
Now let's take a look at how this safe and famous peptide works and what its benefits are.
So How Does Ipamorelin Work?
Ipamorelin binds to the receptor for the hormone ghrelin and activates it. In addition, it suppresses the production of GH-inhibiting somatostatin. The half-life of Ipamorelin is only 2 hours, so it is excreted from the body after only 6 hours. The receptor that is sensitive to ghrelin is called GHS-R and is primarily found in the brain, but we would also find it in the liver, heart or skeletal muscle. It is an important regulator of the energy balance and total body weight of the body. Ipamorelin activates this receptor for ghrelin and thus supports the natural release of GH, only at a greater intensity and speed.
The role of GHS-R in the brain is precisely the release of GH. Ipamorelin, unlike other GHS-R agonists, selectively stimulates only GH release, with no effect on other pituitary hormones such as ACTH or prolactin. It also does not increase ghrelin levels in the body, so it does not cause side effects such as increased hunger. Therefore, Ipamorelin is mainly studied purely in relation to GH and possibly also to other activities that support the release of GH in the body, such as diet, exercising or exposure to stress.
How Does Ipamorelin Work Against Aging?
In the field of anti-aging research, several peptides have become "superstars"! Ipamorelin is one of them. It is believed that various accompanying phenomena of aging, such as bone loss, muscle loss, changes in appetite, decline in memory and other cognitive functions, could be associated with a decrease in the body's ability to create and produce certain hormones. It cannot be denied that when the body stops producing certain hormones, such as GH, a number of biochemical processes begin to deteriorate. This is where peptides like Ipamorelin can be very helpful, as they help to improve these processes and create the conditions for a more youthful physiology.
We could better approximate the anti-aging effects of Ipamorelin using the example of bones. In the case of bones, aging is associated with increased activity of osteoclasts, cells that break down bone tissue. Osteoclasts also play an important role in rebuilding bones, for example after an injury. However, too many of these cells can result increased bone fragility and lower bone density. Ipamorelin can effectively restore the balance of bone tissue breakdown and bone formation. As animal studies show, it is highly effective in stopping bone loss and, on the contrary, increases bone formation by up to 4 times. The processes in the bones take place at the right pace, which ensures their better strength and functionality [2].
Ipamorelin and Its Effect on Muscle Growth and Density
One of the other important effects of this interesting peptide is the growth of muscle mass. Since Ipamorelin is a GH secretagogue, it stimulates the body to produce lean tissue, i.e. bones, muscles, collagen and reduces fat production.
Ipamorelin appears to alter the physiology of muscle growth in two ways - hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle cells. By stimulating the release of GH, the peptide increases hypertrophy, i.e. encouraging muscle cells to grow larger, and hyperplasia, the division and multiplication of muscle cells, increasing their total number.
As important as the stimulation of muscle mass growth, the effects of Ipamorelin also reduce the breakdown of muscle fibers. The entire balance in the muscles is thus removed from the catabolic process. This effect is probably caused by reduction in the effects of corticosteroids, which prevent muscle growth, and even probably by a reduction in the activity of myostatin.
Ipamorelin and Fat Loss
In reality, the fat burning effects of Ipamorelin are some of the most attractive. Research has brought a lot of knowledge about how Ipamorelin accelerates the process of lipolysis, the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells. Although a significant part of this effect is attributed to Ipamorelin's ability to stimulate GH secretion, studies also suggest a possible secondary effect by increasing insulin release.
Insulin allows glucose to enter the cells and be converted into energy. It also supports multiple storage of glucose in muscles, fat or liver. It might seem that fat burning cannot be achieved by increasing insulin production. However, insulin follows the path of least resistance when directing glucose, so if muscle tissue receives glucose more easily, it will be preferentially stored there and not in fat. By stimulating the release of GH as well as the production of insulin, Ipamorelin helps ensure that more calories from the diet are shifted to building muscle rather than storing fat. A suitable diet is therefore a great supplement to the use and application of Ipamorelin and can help the body to build muscles and burn fat even more.
Effect of Ipamorelin on Learning and Memory
In addition to the release of GH, the GHS-R brain receptor is also associated with learning and memory processes in the body. Therefore, Ipamorelin has an obvious effect on improving mental functions. Activation of the GHS-R receptor increases both long-term potentiation and the density of dendritic spines of neurons. The strength of the connection of neurons, as well as the number of their connections, is strengthened and increased under the influence of the peptide.
Ipamorelin and the Sleep Cycle
There is evidence that Ipamorelin can have a very beneficial effect on deep sleep [10]. This is probably due to its effect on learning and memory described above. Other peptides that increase GH secretion also have a beneficial effect on sleep. Better quality sleep has been shown to benefit concentration, learning, memory, mood and overall health, as well as improving immune function, etc.
Ipamorelin Stimulates an Increase in Bone Density
Loss of bone mass is mainly characterized by bone degradation, disruption of bone structure and increased risk of fractures. From studies of Ipamorelin, it is clear that the peptide can highly effectively stop the loss of bone mass and increase bone formation up to 4 times. Ipamorelin could thus represent an effective and cheaper alternative to the current options for the treatment of bone loss, such as bisphosphonates, hormonal treatment with PTH or new monoclonal antibodies.
The benefits of Ipamorelin have also been demonstrated in bone loss under the influence of glucocorticoids. In addition, the protection of the peptide may be particularly useful in age-related bone loss. In rat studies, there was a 75% increase in total body bone mineral content with Ipamorelin before and after [2], [11 - 12].
Ipamorelin Dosage Cycle
There is reason to believe that if the peptide is used for too long, the body will become more resistant to it and the peptide will become less effective. This is likely to be based on the activity of the GHS-R receptor. GHS-R is active even when nothing is bound to it and promotes GH secretion even in a quiescent state. As soon as ghrelin or a peptide such as Ipamorelin binds to the receptor, its activity and GH release increases dramatically.
Over the time, the body adapts to too much GHS-R activation by reducing the number of these receptors. In order for the number of receptors to increase again, it is necessary to stop stimulating GHS-R for some time.
So research has shown that in order to get the greatest effect and effect from Ipamorelin, it needs to be dosed in the right cycles [13], [14]. Theoretically, 3-week intervals of administration and non-administration of Ipamorelin could be ideal. During the 3 weeks when the Ipamorelin would not be given, the GHS-Rs would have time to "recover" again, so for another 3 weeks the effects of the Ipamorelin could be even better. We believe that with future research and studies, it will be possible to establish the correct dosage cycles of Ipamorelin for various aspects of its effects on muscles, bones, weight loss, etc.
Ipamorelin for Pain
Another effect that was discovered when investigating the action of Ipamorelin was the reduction of visceral and somatic hypersensitivity. This could make it potentially useful in the treatment of visceral pain, anxiety conditions that might be associated with it, or chronic pain, for example [15]. All ghrelin mimetics have been shown to help reduce both inflammatory and neuropathic pain, to varying degrees.
Onset of Ipamorelin Effect
Although the effect of Ipamorelin on the body's biochemistry begins immediately after its administration, it may not actually be visible right away. It depends on what exactly we are researching at that moment. Some effects occur within minutes, such as blood glucose and insulin concentrations, while others, such as effects on synaptic density, muscle mass, or bone density, may take months. Although Ipamorelin has an effect on dendrite growth immediately, building neurons is a slow process. Thus, the effect will be visible only when the dendrite growth process is completed.
In experiments with Ipamorelin, it will therefore be necessary to take into account how much time each biological system under investigation needs to be able to evaluate with certainty whether the experiment was successful or not.
Synergy of Ipamorelin
Ipamorelin acts synergistically with a number of hormones. As an example, we can cite Hexarelin and ghrelin, as GHS-R agonists, or the peptide CJC-1295 + DAC etc. However, there are many more [16 - 18]..
Disadvantages of Ipamorelin
Unlike other GHS-R agonists, Ipamorelin has no apparent side effects or disadvantages in animal studies. Perhaps the biggest drawback is the fact that Ipamorelin must be administered by SubQ injection, as there is currently no orally active form of the peptide. This can make it difficult to administer the peptide in some cases. Overall, however, the peptide has been shown to be safe and has almost no side effects in most studies.
Conclusion: Ipamorelin Before and After
To conclude our deeper look at one of the best known, safest and most attractive peptides, we could mention that Ipamorelin had anti-aging effects on most of the animals used in the research, they showed lean body mass, reduced fat mass, improved memory and cognitive functions in spatial tasks, increased bone density and an overall higher energy level. Before the administration of Ipamorelin, the animals had a higher fat mass and were more lethargic. On the other hand, after the administration of Ipamorelin, the animals were slimmer and more active. It became clear that comparisons of the effects of Ipamorelin before and after administration are similar to comparisons of the effects before and after prolonged exercise.
The effects of Ipamorelin simply appear to be a great future for many ailments that are associated with aging or possible diseases where this healing peptide could effectively help!
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Beverley Greenwood-Van Meerveld, Ph.D. - https://medicine.ouhsc.edu/Academic-Departments/Ph...
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